Overview of the Make & Play Project

First 'Matt-Wood' made for 'The Millennium Awards Scheme'

This Matt-Wood  model is the prototype I designed and made for the "Make and Play" project, funded by the "Millennium Award Scheme". There were four organizers, Sally Whytehead, Arthur Nichols, Julie Pitts, and Myself. After much deliberation we finally started the course, with the first meeting on Thursday the 3rd of August 2000. A total of 21 dulcimers were being made, each one consisting of 12 treble and 11 bass courses, 2 strings per course. There were 9 families attending this first session totalling 16 persons in all, with ages ranging from 7 years old to ????. Our second course started on Saturday the 2nd of September 2000 with 8 families involved, totalling 19 persons with a similar age range.

I'd like to pass on a special thankyou to a local company, Webster & Horsfall, who very kindly donated  the music wire used to make the strings for all the instruments on this project.

A look at the instruments made by the people who attended the courses.

You can, if you wish, use the drop-down menu to go straight to a particular student
Made by Bob Ambrose
Made by Sandra Crossland
Made by Ian Goss
Made by David Haynes
Made by Barry Jones
Made by Ron and Mavis Parker
Made by Karen Pilwar
Made by Shohkrollah Pilwar
Made by Stuart & Margaret Potter
Made by John & Rosemary Preece
Made by John Rogers
Made by Chris Skirrow
Made by Pearl & Kate Wakefield
Made by Suzanne Weisskopf-Biggs
Made by David & Katrina Wells
Made by Derek Yeomans